Member First Name Member Last Name Member Title/Position Member’s Voting Power Membership Type ACO Participant Legal Business Name and D/B/A, if applicable
Alexander Sozdatelev Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative RMed, LLC
William Robinson Manager 10 Other N/A
Basil Younis Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative VPA of Texas, PLLC
Zack Mulligan Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative RMed, LLC
Stefanie Cain Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative VPA, P.C.
Austin Moody Manager & Officer 10 ACO Participant Representative RMed, LLC
Marthe Adler Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative VPA, P.C.
Bhavesh Patel Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative RMed, LLC
Lynn Beatty Athens Manager 10 ACO Participant Representative VPA, P.C.
Judith Hass Manager 10 Medicare beneficiary representative N/A